Lustrum La Confrérie for Beat Batten
Lustrum La Confrérie
During the 13th lustrum of La Confrérie, we support the charity Beat Batten. Batten is a sickness mostly noticed by children from the 5th year onwards. Unfortunately, this sickness brings a lot of consequences including; serious loss of sight, Epilepsy attacks, memory loss and dementia, losing the chance to communicate and often end up in a wheel chair. This disease is fatal and that there is currently no treatment available. This event contributes to promising research to achieve a treatment.
With the large reach that we have as student association La Confrérie, we believe that as Lustrum committee we should give back to the children suffering from this illness. We have chosen to do this for Beat Batten as we want to be able to support research done for this horrible sickness. Furthermore it is a small scale organization which means that we will be able to make a bigger impact and create awareness for this horrible sickness. During Poep-chique day, we will host an auction where companies are offering amazing products and services. We hope you are willing to donate for this amazing charity. Next to the auction, we will be selling lottery tickets and have an action page where you can donate until the end of the lustrum. Every penny is worth it for this charity.
Together we can stand strong for Beat Batten and make sure these children get the research they deserve.
Thanks in advance and we hope to see you at Poep-chique.
The lustrum team and Beat Batten